So funktioniert's

  • 1. Select your voices

    On our site, you can select multiple languages in one go. Listen to the demos and choose your favourites to request a quote. Selecting voices is not a prerequisite for the request; you can download the demos or choose your voice-over later on.

    Selecting an application loads the voices that are specialised in that application. You also hear demos in this style so that you can get a good feel for the voice. If your application is not listed, choose ‘General’; you will then hear compilation demos.

  • 2. Quickly get a quote

    To calculate the price, we need some information from you: the application of the production, the desired languages and the length of the text to be read, in number of words or in minutes. In four short steps, it will take you only a few minutes to submit the data for the request.

    Premium Voices delivers high quality at competitive prices. We can do this because of our low overheads and efficient production. This is reflected in our free and no-obligation quotation, which, on working days, you already receive by e-mail in less than an hour.

  • 3. Voice recording

    Send us the text to be read and your briefing for the voice. Your documents will be dealt with confidentially. Have you got specific ideas about the reading style? Discuss your requirements for style and tempo with us.

    When it comes to corporate films, e-learning programmes and commercials, it is always useful to send the video material for clarification.

  • 4. Quick delivery

    Often, the recording is already available for you within two working days. Clean cut and converted to the correct file format. You receive one mixed audio file; at your request, we can provide the file cut into chapters or messages. We can also sync your audio file with the video. For delivery, we use our secured data server. This server can be securely accessed using any web browser and does not require any registration or software.

    Not quite satisfied with the recording? If there are errors in pronunciation and intonation, we will provide that bit of text again free of charge. Changes and additions to the text (even in combination with errors) can be recorded for you at cost price.